Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas - 2010

I LOVE Christmas time. Family, Family, and more Family!!!
Talk about a CUTE COUPLE!!!

Santa was very brave bringing my boys this gift.

We love...Da Jazz!

This is where Austin Sherman gets his blue eyes from :-)

Temple Square lights

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

gingerbread "mansion"

We kinda went a little above and beyond on the
Gingerbread house this year.
But it took up lots of time....which was the point :-)
I HIGHLY doubt it will look like this for very long.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We went to Logan over Thanksgiving break and got to hang out with family...Good times!

Wow, don't we totally look like sisters????

These two are soooo cute together :-)

This is the perfect picture to describe how Jackson sleeps

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

No theme this year, just pure FUN!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Random Us

After visiting with Grandma and Grandpa, I got home and checked my camera only to find about 50 pictures of Scout. I thought this was the cutest of them all.
No, this is NOT our motorcycle (thank goodness). It's Grandpa Steve's new toy. And boy oh boy is he having fun with it! A little tooooo much fun :-)
One can never get enough football around our house

I love this picture of Carson with his arms around his team. Go destroyers!
Talk about determination. Can you see his tongue hanging out the side.

My visit with Merrilee at Deseret Book. Yes, I have a famous friend who is an awesome illustrator.

Austin was loving the cabin :-)
I love camping in the fall. The leaves were gorgeous.

Anyone hungry for an EXTRA toasted marshmellow?

Carson caught his very own fish, without any help at all. Good job buddy!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Look who's walking!!!!!

It's his new favorite activity. He always has the biggest grin on his face when we "practise"

Nathan found a caterpillar at the cabin, put it in his bug catcher, and this is what we found the next morning. A COCOON! We'll keep you posted.

I love this picture. Already to ride to school.

As you can see, just watching the game isn't good enough for Kev, he also has to "listen" to the game as well. Such a true cougar fan!

This is a classic Carson pose

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Talk about a storm
We got quarter size hail

We finally got around to our late night movie night with the neighborhood

We had to cover the street light to see the movie better

What a busy guy