Monday, March 24, 2008


These next three pictures shows how busy our almost one year old is. They were all taken within a matter of minutes. He is into EVERYTHING!

Soaking in some wonderful sunshine rays!
Nathan is our professional bubble blower


We had a double easter celebration this year. One with the Cloward side and one with the Schauerhamer side. The boys seemed fine going to TWO parties :-)
Nathan...can you see any eggs????
The Easter bunny brought the boys matching Spiderman shirts. Isn't it amazing how well the easter bunny knows our kids. That was exactly what they wanted.
Grandma Sue always knows how to add fun to a party...hence..... the bunny ears.
Dallin didn't seem to like the idea...oh well.
Emily and her family are FINALLY close by with their temporary move to Ogden. She was a great host and we helped "break in" their new home pretty good with all the kids.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Grandma's B-day

We went to my parents house to celebrate my mom's birthday on Sunday and had a great time being with cousins...and making a mess. Easter is close enough for us to go ahead and start decorating the eggs. It was truly amazing....we didn't spill one easter egg dye bowl this year!

Dallin was really into the party. In fact, he got so worn out he had to take a break off to the side for about an hour.
Happy Birthday Grandma Sue!!!!

Almost Spring

The boys have found a new hobby....rockets. So now our Saturdays consist of shooting off the rocket and then trying to fingure out where it landed.
I know Jackson is only 10 1/2 months old, but he really is a good driver already
Nathan is so proud of himself now that he can ride a "big boy" bike. The only problem is he can escape down the street a lot faster than what he use to on his tricycle.
Grandpa Schauerhamer is very big into his new ice cream maker. He has the grandkids very well trained on what to do to make the ice cream. They put the salt in, chomp the ice down, and act as though they are pro's at it.